
Ambiente S.p.A.

Over the years we have traced a path following the highest principles of the "Green Economy". We aim to reduce waste environmental impact, in behalf of sustainable development.

Our constant commitment to UNGC (United Nations Global Compact) is to promote a healthy and sustainable world economy. It proves that principles of respect for Human Rights, Rights at Work, Environment and Fight against Corruption, arising from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ILO Declaration, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and from the United Nation Convention Against Corruption are extremely important to us.

These inspiring principles are the confirmation of what has historically characterized Ambient S.p.A. development.

We support the Foundation, in promoting the strategic themes of the ecological transition: climate neutrality, energy transition and circular economy.

Our effort is real: we have a PV system capable of a nominal power of 750 kW approximately. AMBIENTE anticipates trends, by reducing, as its first objective, CARBON FOOTPRINT to zero. We measure and monitor our performance, making our results publicly available through the Sustainability Report first and then through Sustainability Report published by the parent company Greenenergy Holding S.p.A.

Finally, we consider pluralism and inclusive practices as success factors that strengthen competitiveness and help respond to the transformation of society and markets. For this reason, we have adopted the Charter for equal opportunities and equality at work. Formalizing our commitment to contributing to the fight against all forms of workplace discrimination, based on gender, age, disability, ethnicity, religious faith and sexual orientation, and enhance diversity within the company, with particular focus on equal opportunities between men and women.

Our Numbers



Year 2022

Quantity of incoming waste



Year 2022

Quantity of waste recovered



Year 2022

kW generated from renewable resources



Average for Year 2022

No. of employees